Past Luncheon Meeting Speakers

February 24, 2024 Meeting

CWC 59th anniversary meeting
Jessica Tomlin, CEO of Equality Fund, speaker
2024 Speakers & Topics
May - Annual Fashion Show and Fundraiser

April - Mara Feeney, CWC member and author of Rankin Inlet.

FebruaryJessica Tomlin, CEO of Equality Fund.

JanuaryGigi Trabant, San Francisco beekeeper, retired nurse, B&B hostess, SF Bay swimmer, mother.
2023 Speakers & Topics
December - Holiday Luncheon, Bake Sale and Super Raffle.

November - Anne Evers Hitz, “The Lost Department Stores of San Francisco.”

October - Canine Companions for Independence.

September - Lana Costantini, San Francisco Historical Society.

May - Yuka Nagashima, CEO of Food Shift, a project of Earth Island Institute.

April - Carolyn O'Brien, SS Jeremiah O'Brien/National Liberty Ship memorial.

March - David Stewart, author of True North, Down South.

February - Canadian Consul Marie Alnwick who heads the Political, Economic and Public Affairs program at the Canadian Consulate, San Francisco.

January - Erika Wah, a CWC member and past President of the Digital Moose Lounge.  She is the Community Building Manager at SHE-CAN.
2022 Speakers & Topics
December - Christmas Luncheon

NovemberVicki Larson was our luncheon speaker. Vicki writes the Lifestyles column for the Marin Independent Journal.

October - We met for a great traditional Canadian Thanksgiving meal and then heard a great presentation about the Marine Mammal Center.

September - Our speaker, Richard Cutler, a DeYoung docent, presented the upcoming exhibition, Ramses the Great.  Richard joined the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Docent Program in 2018 after a 42-year career as an Emergency Physician with Kaiser Permanente.

May - Joe Miller on "Wild Women Suffragists: How they got a reputation for being sex radicals, and how that reputation harmed their movement's progress."

March - Marie Alnwick heads the Political, Economic and Public Affairs program at Canada’s Consulate General in San Francisco | Silicon Valley. She took up her role as Consul in August 2021, and she brought us up to date on important Canadian issues. 
2021 Speakers & Topics
December -  Annual Holiday Luncheon, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale
2020 Speakers & Topics
March - Our speaker was John Martini, a native Californian and life-long researcher into the history of the American

February - 55th birthday celebration! Our speaker was Consul Chelsea Peet.

January - Our speaker was well-known music historian, Richie Unterberger,whose presentation focused on the music and career of Canadian singer-songwriter, Leonard Cohen.
2019 Speakers & Topics
December - Annual Holiday Luncheon, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale

November - Our speaker was Liberté Reilly, a docent at Filoli.

October - Our speaker was Linda Lei, docent at the Asian Art Museum. She talked to us about the Language of Flowers.

May - Annual Fashion Show and Fundraiser

April Virginia Ernster, a docent at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, presented Monet: The Late Years.

March - Our speaker was Martha Ryan, founder and executive director of the Homeless Prenatal Program.

February - Senior Trade Commissioner, Terrence (Terry) Cowl, was our special guest and brought us up to date on important Canadian issues.

January - The speaker was John Knox, Executive Director Emeritus, Earth Island Institute (EII).
2018 Speakers & Topics
December - Annual Holiday Luncheon, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale

November - Our speaker was Anne Evers Hitz, a fifth-generation San Franciscan who gathered together images from libraries and private collections to tell the story of San Francisco's Ferry Building.

October - Our speaker was Jennifer Stojkovic, a Canadian, and the Executive Director of
September  Our speaker was Ana Blanco, Executive Director of the 16th Annual International Ocean Film Festival.

May - Annual Fashion Show and Fundraiser

April - Our speaker was Colonel Fred Rutledge, President of the Royal Canadian Legion, San Francisco Branch 25 and a member of the branch for over 35 years.

March - Speaker was our own member, Dr. Heather Hudson. She gave an illustrated talk about her trip through the Northwest Passage and talked about her work with indigenous people in the Canadian North and Alaska.

February - Our new Consul General of Canada, Rana Sarkar, was our special guest and brought us up to date on important Canadian issues. We found out the latest on Canadian happenings and those issues affecting us here in the U.S.

January - The speaker was Susan Burnett from CASA, the National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association.
2017 Speakers & Topics
December - Annual Holiday Luncheon, Bake Sale, and Silent Auction

NovemberBonnie Weiss presented, "Thanks for the Memories," about Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein.

October - Our speaker was Allison Hermance from WildCare in San Raphael.

September - A representative of the Asian Art Museum presented "The Silk Road: Globalization in the Ancient World."

May Annual Fashion Show and Fundraiser

AprilJody Sanford, Associate Director of Communications and Marketing at the Presidio Trust spoke to us regarding happenings in the Presidio and updates from the Presidio Trust.

March Dr. Rita Ross took the audience on a literary trip across Canada, visiting the sites associated with favorite authors.

February - Our Consul General, Brandon Lee brought us up to date on Canadian issues and, as usual, was open to answering questions from our members and guests.

January - The speaker was Jaida Im, the founder and executive director of Freedom House.
2016 Speakers & Topics
December - Annual Holiday Luncheon, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale

November - David Stewart spoke about Canada and Canadian Civic Community in the Bay Area.

October - Our speaker was Therese Poletti who delighted us with her presentation, "Grand Emporiums of Old San Francisco.”

September - Our honorary Co-President, Giovanna Mingarelli, spoke about her life: The Story of a Nomadic Canadian Entrepreneur.

June - "Why I Love Opera" featured renowned pianist Bruce Olstad and Roberta Wain-Becker, founder of Golden Gate Opera.

May - Annual Fashion Show and Fundraiser

April Dr. Carol Beran from St. Mary’s College in Moraga talked with us about Canadian authors and the 2013 Nobel Prize winner for literature, Alice Munro.

March - Amber Hasselbring of Nature in the City spoke to us about San Francisco's first organization wholly dedicated to ecological conservation,
restoration and stewardship of the city's bioregions.

February - Our Consul General, Mr. Brandon Lee, spoke to members and guests and brought us up-to-date on Canadian affairs.

January - Jolie Velazquez, from the WWI Historical Association’s speaker’s bureau, presented, "What Did You Do in the Great War, Mommy?" which is a take-off
on a well-known recruitment poster of children asking Daddy what he did in the war.
2015 Speakers & Topics
December - Annual Holiday Luncheon, Bake Sale, and Silent Auction
November Irene Bloemraad, Ph.D., spoke about results of the 42nd Canadian Federal Election.

October - Brian Andrew, MD presented "Neurosurgery in China," based on his recent trip to that country.

June - Laura Ackley spoke about the 1915 Pan Pacific International Exposition featured in her book, "San Francisco's Jewel City."

May - Annual Fashion Show and Fundraiser

April - Gary Kamiya on “How Cable Cars Rose to Become an Emblem of the City.”

March - Two of our members, Lynne Anderson & Brenda Kaufman-Nelson, demonstrated how to improve quality of life through physical activity and exercise.

February - Canadian Consul General, Ms. Cassie Doyle, spoke about forced and child marriage around the world.

January - Carol Rossi & Joanne Garrison presented "Behind the Scenes of Bouquets to Art."
2014 Speakers & Topics
December - Annual Holiday Luncheon, Bake Sale, and Silent Auction

November - Jan Wahl spoke about Canadian films and actors.

October Donald MacDonald spoke about the Bay Bridge and other projects on which he was the architect.

June - Jennifer Belke, Child Life Specialist and Pet Therapy Handler for Canine Companions for Independence

May - Annual Fashion Show and Fundraiser

April - Des Desvernine spoke about his life as an undercover FBI agent and his career in law enforcement.

March - Joanne Hayes WhiteChief of the San Francisco Fire Department, spoke about her life, career, and safety tips for us all

February - Irene Bloemraad, Chair of Canadian Studies and Associate Professor of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley spoke about immigration

January - Canadian Consul General, Ms. Cassie Doyle, brought us up-to-date on Consular activities 
2013 Speakers & Topics
December - Annual Holiday Luncheon, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale Fundraiser

November - Daniel Bacon, "Barbary Coast Trail" and "Madams of the Barbary Coast"

October - Pat Curcio, President, General Manager, and Coach, San Francisco Bulls

June - Audrey Moy, Crime Prevention Specialist

May Annual Fashion Show and Fundraiser

April - Charles Fracchia, "How the Gold Rush Created San Francisco"

March - Stephanie Rhoades-Bickham, 42nd Street Moon Theatre

February - Representatives of Cassie Doyle, Consul General, Consulate General of Canada, San Francisco | Silicon Valley

January - Joycee Wong, Curator at the Wells Fargo History Museum
2012 Speakers & Topics
December - Annual Holiday Party, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale Fundraiser

November - Ursula MarstenWhite Rose Society in Germany

October Janet Reilly, 75th Anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge

June - Mary Beth Culler, The Walt Disney Family Museum

May - Annual Fashion Show and Fundraiser

April - Brian Andrews, M.D., Cherokee Neurosurgeon: A Biography of Charles Byron Wilson, M.D.

March - Marilyn St. Germain Hall, North West Services Peace Program

February - Canadian Consul General, San Francisco, Cassie Doyle

January - Lorraine Hennessy, A Career in Broadcasting
2011 Speakers & Topics
December - Annual Holiday Party, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale Fundraiser

November - Author, Robert P.J. Cooney Jr., 100 years of Women's Suffrage

October - K9 Division, San Francisco Police Department

JuneCaptain Cynthia L. Stowe, Commander of the U.S. Coast Guard, San Francisco

MayAnnual Fashion Show and Fundraiser 

April - Ellen Harden, Docent, Fine Arts Museums San Francisco, Balenciaga and Spain

March - Singer, John Siracusa

February - Canadian Consul General, San Francisco, Cassie Doyle

JanuaryPat Hanson Thomson, Behind the Scenes at Bouquets to Art
2010 Speakers & Topics
December - Annual Holiday Party, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale Fundraiser

November - Author and Historian, Woody LaBounty, Carville-by the-Sea, San Francisco's Streetcar Suburb

October - Ellen Harden, Docent, Fine Arts Museums San Francisco, The Birth of impressionism; Masterpieces from the Musée d'Orsay

JuneMegan Delehanthy, Adventures in Mountain Climbing

MayAnnual Fashion Show and Fundraiser

April - Ellen Harden, Docent, Fine Arts Museums San Francisco, Cartier in America

MarchA Day At The Races, Golden Gate Fields

February Ara Lotfijou, Consul for Administration and Consular Affairs, Canadian Consulate, San Francisco

January Joe Marchi, expert in the American Musical, Great Songs We All Know from Broadway Musicals that Failed
2009 Speakers & Topics
December Annual Holiday Party, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale

NovemberNancy Nehring, The History of Buttons

October - Ellen Harden, Docent, Fine Arts Museums San Francisco, Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharoahs

June - Hats and Hair Through History, also wear your favorite hat day

MayAnnual Fashion Show and Fundraiser

April - Nina LePage & Marirose Pisslou, Eat Well to Feel Well

MarchMary Spalding playing her steel pan with music for all occasions

FebruaryRhonda Rubinstein discussed her role as Creative Director of the California Academy of Sciences

JanuaryMargaret Gordon, Docent, Fine Arts Museums San Francisco,  Yves St. Laurent
2008 Speakers & Topics
December - Annual Holiday Party, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale

November Amy Taub talked about the Visual Arts Centers' program for people with developmental disabilities who can work on various art projects

OctoberKay PayneFine Arts Museums San Francisco, "Westward Ho" stories of settlers who traveled west in the 19th century

JuneScott Holiday provided guitar program of sound and music

May - Annual Fashion Show and Fundraiser

AprilTom Laursen from the San Francisco Botanical Garden Society spoke about touring the grounds

MarchCarmen Blair, Deputy Director of the San Mateo County Historical Association presented "The Great Estates of the Peninsula"

FebruaryMarc Le Page, Canadian Consul General, San Francisco, spoke about the Canadian Foreign Service

January - Our topic was Marie Antoinette and the Petit Trianon at Versailles at the Legion of Honor
2007 Speakers & Topics
December - Annual Holiday Party, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale

NovemberBert Newmark, WWII Fighter Pilot, shared his wartime experiences of being shot down and spending 2 ½ years in a concentration camp

OctoberMary Spalding presented a steel drum concert

JuneHeather Kitchen, Executive Director of A.C.T. reported on her Canadian background in regional theater, which led to her present occupation

May - Annual Fashion Show and Fundraiser

April - Ellen Harden, Docent, Fine Arts Museums San Francisco, Puttin' On The Ritz: Masterpieces of French Jewelry

March - No meeting held due to cancellation of the Bay Meadows "Day at the Races"

FebruaryTerumi Leinow talked about the Spirit of Feng Shui

January - Stefanie McCullum, Canadian Consulate member, spoke about being involved in the Foreign Service